Here be Donkey.

Donkey is a donkey he is really know for this meme are we there yet. This will be seen on the bottom of the page. Donkey is the master of shrek 2 becuase he make shrek his "worker". He can sing and dance is the leader of all the people. This happened when lard farquar lead his revolution causing the war to last about a 100 years this is true don't look it up. Donley is a great companion to ya boi SHREK but he is also a great friend. Donkey has a lot of friends like shrek and fiona but he is also married to his beutifull wife the dragon.

Shrek and Donkey fighting

Shrek and Donkey fighting

Lord farquard moaning in the distance

Lord farquard moaning

Shrek and fiona

This is Shrek and fiona

Donkey and Dragon loving each other

This is Donkey and Dragon